Bloggers of zambia


The platform aims to increase young people’s access to government data and empower them
with important information. Open Parliament Zambia is part of the wider Open Parliament Africa
project rapidly spreading on the continent and currently has operations in Zimbabwe (Open
Parly ZW), Zambia (Open Parly ZED), Nigeria (Open Parly Nigeria), Uganda (Open Parly
Uganda) and Somalia (Kalfadhi). Open Parly Africa provides grassroots movements with
real-time access to parliament information. Through its civic tech initiatives, dashboards and
API, the project has created Zambia’s first and largest online platform for parliamentary
coverage and simplified access to parliamentary data such as order paper, parliamentary
procedures, bills and laws enacted.
OpenParlyZED creates and produces short videos, poetry, animations, infographics, articles,
live streams of important governance events and parliamentary sittings to expand the space for
freedom of expression and digital rights.
Follow us on social media; Tiktok, Facebook, Twitter (X), Instagram and WhatsApp