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A community member  holding a placard on freedom of expression during the Advocacy Convention on Human Rights Online held in Raphael Chota Ward of Mandevu Constituency on the 6th of September, 2023

Promoting human rights online through theatre for development

In the digital age, access to the internet is increasingly regarded as a fundamental human right. It plays a pivotal role in connecting individuals to information, opportunities, and global networks. However, it is essential to recognize that not everyone has equal access to the internet, and there are still many non-online communities around the world, including those in Raphael Chota Ward of Mandevu Constituency in Lusaka, Zambia.  On September 6, 2023, Bloggers of Zambia, in collaboration with Theatre for Development (TAIPA Drama Group), orchestrated an advocacy convention focused on human rights in the digital age. This convention brought together community leaders, youth-led groups, and community members of Raphael Chota Ward 25 of Mandevu Constituency. 
The convention featured a series of drama plays, and traditional dances which covered a wide range of topics, from cybersecurity and online privacy to combating online scams, and digital awareness. Prior to the convention, Bloggers of Zambia undertook the drama group through an orientation on the key thematic areas. TAIPA Drama Group, known for its innovative approach to advocacy through theater, performed thought-provoking dramas that addressed various online human rights issues. Their performances left a profound impact on the audience, provoking deep reflections on the importance of online rights.

These performances aimed at equipping community members with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the digital landscape safely and responsibly. The convention also served as a platform for networking and building connections among like-minded youths, community leaders, and individuals of all ages. Attendees left with a sense of belonging to a larger community committed to defending human rights online. Raphael Chota Ward 25 Councilor Boniface Bwalya stated that the convention was timely and spoke to the issues affecting the community. Mr. Bwalya had noted the number of reports his office had received during the past year on online scams, especially around the Constituency Development Fund.

Raphael Chota Ward Councilor Boniface Bwalya joins Taipa Drama group during the Advocacy Convention on Human Rights online held in Mandevu Constituency on the 6th of September, 2023 
Raphael Chota Ward Councilor Boniface Bwalya joins Taipa Drama group during the Advocacy Convention on Human Rights online held in Mandevu Constituency on the 6th of September, 2023 

The Community leader stated that online scams were prevalent in his community due to low digital awareness in the community. He commended Bloggers of Zambia for establishing the convention as it would enhance awareness of cybersecurity, digital rights, and freedom of expression online. The Advocacy Convention on Human Rights Online stands as a shining example of the positive impact a united front can have on a critical issue. By raising awareness, empowering advocates, and fostering community, this convention has catalyzed change in Zambia’s approach to human rights in the digital age especially around the works of Bloggers of Zambia with support from Internews Zambia and FHI360 Zambia. It serves as a testament to what can be achieved when individuals come together with a shared mission and a determination to make a difference.

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