Bloggers of Zambia holds Poetry Night on Human Rights and Democracy online

Bloggers of Zambia partnered with the University of Zambia Media Student Association, and Word Smash Poetry Group in hosting the Poetry Night at the University of Zambia on the 31st of August, 2023. The Night was a way of using creative content in governance for transparency and accountability for advocacy on Internet rights. The event focused on governance topics like freedom of expression and access to information. The purpose of the event was to enhance awareness of access to information, freedom of expression, and other human/digital rights among the youth demographic, promote youth participation and inclusion in governance processes, and provide a platform for youths to network and exchange ideas on governance and human rights matters. As the sun dipped below the horizon of the campus buildings, casting a warm, amber hue across the university, students from various faculties and backgrounds began converging towards the university’s New Teaching and Learning Complex 2. There was an unmistakable buzz in the air, a palpable sense of anticipation that permeated through the gathering crowd. This wasn’t just another event; it was an opportunity to explore the depths of emotion and the complexities of the human experience through the art of poetry on freedom of expression, cybersecurity, and internet freedom.

University of Zambia and NRDC students captured during the Poetry Night held at UNZA on the 31st of August, 2023

The auditorium, a haven of knowledge and academic aesthetics, was transformed into an intimate space for creativity and dialogue. Rows of the middle seats of the complex were gradually filled, and the room hummed with whispered conversations and the rustling of paper of the agenda of the night. As the clock approached 18:00 hours, the evening’s enchantment began with a walk on the stage by the evening’s moderator who introduced the program and purpose of the night. She then introduced the first poet, a student known for their evocative verses, who stepped into the spotlight. Their words were a tapestry woven with threads of emotion, exploring themes of love, loss, and the passage of time on freedom of expression. With each verse, they beckoned the audience to join them on a journey of introspection, setting the tone for an unforgettable night. The subsequent poets, each with their unique style and perspective, added layers to the evening’s narrative. Some poets recited their verses with a commanding presence, their voices echoing through the auditorium, while others offered more intimate, whispered confessions that reached the hearts of those in the front row. Every word spoken was like a brushstroke on a canvas, painting a vivid picture of the human experience with the topics of the evening. 
A total of 105 people (57 male; 48 female, all youth) attended the event. This number is also composed of students from institutions such as the National Resources Development College (NRDC). The poets’ performances were not limited to spoken word alone. They incorporated multimedia elements, music, and interactive discussion, creating a multi-sensory experience that resonated deeply with the audience. The Poetry Night not only raised awareness about digital rights and related issues but also ignited a passion for advocacy and creative expression among the attendees. The event demonstrated the power of poetry as a medium for social change and served as a catalyst for meaningful discussions and actions in the realm of digital rights and internet governance. By the time the clock struck 20:00 hours, the Poetry Night had left an indelible mark on the 105 students in attendance. It kindled a passion for access to information, freedom of expression, and a sense of being on issues surrounding cybersecurity and internet rights. It sparked conversations about digital rights and fostered connections among individuals from diverse backgrounds. As they left the auditorium, carrying the echoes of the verses distributed by the poets, and the resonance of discussions, these students knew they had experienced a truly transformative evening that transcended the boundaries of the ordinary.

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