Bloggers of Zambia Advocates for a Safe and Secure Internet for Women and Girls on International Women’s Day

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, Bloggers of Zambia
stands united with stakeholders in our commitment to promoting a safe and secure online
environment for women and girls.
Today, we reflect on the achievements and challenges faced by women in the digital space and we
would like to emphasize the importance of creating an inclusive online community that fosters
empowerment and equality.
It is our call that in an era where the internet serves as a powerful tool for communication,
education, and self-expression, it is crucial to address the unique challenges that women and girls
often encounter online. Bloggers of Zambia recognizes the significance of digital rights and
advocates for the following principles:

  • Online Safety and Security: We call for measures to ensure the safety and security of
    women and girls in the digital space. This includes robust mechanisms to prevent online
    harassment, cyberbullying, and any form of gender-based violence online.
  • Digital Literacy and Education: We emphasize the need for comprehensive digital
    literacy programs that empower women and girls with the skills and knowledge to navigate
    the Internet safely. This includes awareness campaigns on online threats, privacy settings,
    and accountable digital citizenship.
  • Access to Resources: We urge stakeholders to work towards closing the digital gender gap
    by providing equal access to online resources, opportunities, and platforms. Bridging this
    divide is essential for empowering women and girls to participate fully in the digital
  • Supportive Policies: We call on policymakers and parliamentarians to enact and enforce
    laws that protect the digital rights of women and girls. This includes legislation against
    online gender-based violence, ensuring privacy rights, and promoting equal opportunities
    in the digital sphere.
  • Collaboration and Advocacy: We encourage collaboration among civil society
    organizations, government bodies, ICT regulators and the private sector to collectively
    advocate for a safe and inclusive online environment. By working together, we can address
    the challenges faced by women and girls in the digital space more effectively.

On this International Women’s Day, let us recommit ourselves to creating a digital world where
every woman and girl feels safe, empowered, and free to express themselves without fear.
Bloggers of Zambia stand in solidarity with women everywhere and remain dedicated to
championing the cause of a safe and secure internet for all.

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