World Press Freedom Day 2022: Journalism Under Surveillance

Every year on May 3, the media fraternity worldwide celebrates World Press Freedom Day, which highlights the importance of a free, pluralistic and independent press. The press operates as the fourth estate, and as such, its importance in the formation and maintenance of democracy. 

The watchdog role of the press allows for citizens to keep their leaders accountable, and the freedom to speak without restrictions or censorship allows for democracy to continue to grow. Freedom of expression is the engine of democracy, and as such should be guarded at all costs. 

Bloggers of Zambia took part in the World Press Freedom Day commemorations which included a march past and an exhibition in Lusaka. The colourful event was attended by journalists, media houses, civil society organizations and other media practitioners, and was officiated by Minister of Information and Media, Honourable Chushi Kasanda. 

In her speech at the exhibition, the Minister of Information echoed that when the media is free, then society is free. 

“Government is focusing on three areas in its media development agenda; editorial independence, self-regulation and public access to information,” she added in her address. 

Hon. Chushi Kasanda, Minister of Media and Information

Meanwhile, World Press Freedom Day Organising Committee chairperson, Joy Chula Sata said that lately everyone wants to be a journalist at the expense of professionalism. She added that this is why the media fraternity in Zambia is pushing for statutory self-regulation. 

Bloggers of Zambia had the pleasure of hosting the Hon. Kasanda at their exhibition stand, where we shared messages and creative content that speaks truth to power and aids in the enhancement of democracy. 

Richard Mulonga-CEO with staff exhibiting Bloggers of Zambia’s work

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